My name is Skeletronix! I'm an art college student, freelancer, and blogger for
I've had natural hair my whole life because my mom always told me to never try relaxers. "It'll make your hair fall out!" she use to say. (Lol) But by 10th 11th grade I starting liking having natural hair, even though I still kept my straighteners. However, when I got to college I was in LOVE with my fro and my naturally curly hair. Recently I've been feeling the power of cutting my hair. Long hair has been an obligation to keep, for other people. My family loves my mom's and I's long hair. So I've been feeling the control over me and myself but cutting it. I've been making my style more wild and alternative to match my lifestyle and music. Dreads didn't really work for me, but I'd love them when I'm older.
You can play with color a lot more with natural hair also because it heals well. The brown bottle of Pantene is what I use to condition and L'oreal and Splat dyes.
Here are some of my hair phases